MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT, a trading company in existence since January 2002 and initially established in the city of Rio de Janeiro, is now based in Montevideo, Uruguay. Its mission is to represent international companies that produce chemicals, raw materials, and equipment for industries like cosmetics, personal care and hygiene, cleaning, food, paints and varnishes, additives for leather, tannery, textile, agriculture, etc.

Surfactantes, Oleoquímicos, Químicos Industriales, Solventes, Aminas, Tratamiento de aguas.
Representamos de uno de los fabricantes y proveedores más importantes del mundo en equipos vitrificados y químicos para tratamiento de agua de China, Zibo Baotang Chemical Equipment Co. Ltd.
Saber más PRODUCTS
Surfactants, Oleochemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Glycol Esthers, Amines, Water Treatment Chemicals.
We represent one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of vitrified and chemical water treatment equipment from China, Zibo Baotang Chemical Equipment Co. Ltd.
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Technical personnel in charge of the complete installation of all equipment.

6-month automatic coverage warranty from date of purchase.

Carrying out periodic measurement and recording tasks. Integrity check, high voltage spark test and conductivity test.