Our Chemistry of Every Day
MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT, a trading company in existence since January 2002 and initially established in the city of Rio de Janeiro, is now based in Montevideo, Uruguay. Its mission is to represent international companies that produce chemicals, raw materials, and equipment for industries like cosmetics, personal care and hygiene, cleaning, food, paints and varnishes, additives for leather, tannery, textile, agriculture, etc.
- MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT acts not only in Brazil and Uruguay, where it already has an extensive portfolio of clients and partners, but it also plays a significant role in other Latin American countries, through its offices in Buenos Aires and Rosario (Argentina), Miami (USA), Bogotá (Colombia), San José (Costa Rica), Mexico City (Mexico), Santiago (Chile), Lima (Perú), Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep.), San Pedro Sula (Honduras), and more recently in Quito (Ecuador). The company works with key customers in Argentina, Uruguay, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, United States, Colombia, Chile, Puerto Rico, Panama and Venezuela.
- MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT also represents major Chinese manufacturers of equipment for chemical industries, especially glass-lined and stainless steel reactors, vessels and piping.
- MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT is also associated with consultants, a strategy that enables the company to stay abreast of the latest developments in these markets and thus always offer outstanding products and services.
- After more than ten years of experience in the Latin American market, MAGNACHEM / CONTIMONT enjoys recognition in the market segments where it operates, because of its reputation for providing top-quality imported products at competitive prices.

Surfactantes, Oleoquímicos, Químicos Industriales, Solventes, Aminas, Tratamiento de aguas.
Representamos de uno de los fabricantes y proveedores más importantes del mundo en equipos vitrificados y químicos para tratamiento de agua de China, Zibo Baotang Chemical Equipment Co. Ltd.
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Surfactants, Oleochemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Glycol Esthers, Amines, Water Treatment Chemicals.
We represent one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of vitrified and chemical water treatment equipment from China, Zibo Baotang Chemical Equipment Co. Ltd.
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