Our Chemistry of Every Day


From complete reactors for capital projects to replacement or upgrade parts for maintenance, our service group can complete your plant installation project. Typical installation includes:

Our technicians provide complete glass lining inspection services to ensure that your reactor is in proper condition for safe and efficient operation. Services include:

All Magnachem Contimont appliances are automatically covered by a Warranty for 6 months from the date of purchase. During this time we will repair any defect that arises due to faulty materials or workmanship free of charge provided that the parts are fitted by an authorized engineer.

If during the Warranty Period, the appliance becomes irreparable, we will exchange the defective product with a replacement appliance at our sole costs. The Warranty on the replacement product will continuously run from the original purchase date of the original product.

Glass Thickness Measurement and Recording – Thickness measurements taken on a regular basis allow the corrosion rate of a glassed part to be monitored, enabling time to failure to be predicted and therefore allowing planned change outs to be carried out.


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